Check out our latest animated video for RightSide.Co…
We loved crafting an explainer video for RightSide! They had a unique idea and story to tell. Using no voiceover but key illustrations we where able to deliver a great animated video for their company.
When it comes to company branding…keeping your message simple – is key. The same goes for domain names… if their complicated it means the loss of control over the brand, with the company name getting stuck after the slash ( or Rightside helps their users build a dynamic web presence. “Complementary domains” give businesses the ability to maintain more control over their brands and create a better experience for their customers.

Rightside Style Frames From The Video
Rightside offers one of the largest portfolios of domain name extensions on the market. (.REVIEWS, .SOCIAL, .LIVE, .VIDEO and .NEWS.) But you don’t have to ditch your .com website! You can utilize these new domains to maximize SEO potential, generate more excitement and curiosity with a playful domain name that illustrates your brand and creates better “brand recall” and stronger “call to action” AND put your brand first on third-party social platforms.
For example a company like ours has a home page: ExplanatoryVideo.Com but if you want to view our work you would have to go to That’s a whole lot of slashes to remember! With a company like RightSide we could own the domain ExplanatoryVideos.Work. Much easier, isn’t it?!
The company currently has 16 million domain names under management, more than 20,000 distribution partners, an award-winning retail registrar and the leading domain name auction service through its NameJet joint venture. The vertical integration between its registry and registrar businesses uniquely positions Rightside to service every stage of the domain name lifecycle – from discovery and registration to development and monetization of domain names – while also supporting broad market adoption and usage.
Don’t get lost behind the slashes…go beyond the dot coms and dot nets. That’s the Rightside of the story. What’s yours? Rightside.Learnmore.
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Does your product, service or company need a kick butt animated explainer video? Contact our amazing creative team at ExplanatoryVideos.Com for a free quote and consult today!