Note: For instructions for iOS,iPhone, and iPad Click Here. Follow us on Instagram at “@ExplanatoryVideos”
After you create a great explainer video or animation you should try to find creative ways to get your message to the masses. A new strategy in Animated Video Marketing is to utilize Instagram’s new Video feature. With the instructions below I will show you how to upload your awesome video production, explainer video, or web video production to an Android phone following the easy steps below:
Before we begin you will want to make sure the video on your computer is the correct size, bit rate, etc.. for Instagram. So your video should be 640x640p, 29.96fps, and 44.1kHz mono, encoded in H.264. To output your video to these settings you can use just about any video software. Quicktime Pro, After Effects, Premier pro, or freeware on the web will work fine for this as well.

Android Upload Settings
1) Now lets create a video in instagram that is 16 seconds long.
2) On your phone minimize the Instagram Application and go your Open File Expert App
3) Find the folder called: SDCard/Android/data/
4) In your video folder look for the newest folder. For example VID_594049405_1393939_session_olt. There should be two video clips
5) Now copy and paste the file with the extension name “stitched” For example “VID_343434344_44343434-stitched. to your desktop.
10) Find your original video you want to upload on your computer and give it the same file name as the one we copied over. And then replace the file with this new one to same location SDCard/Android/data/
11) Do the same with the other video clip that is in the folder. “VID_43423433_334333.mp4” Just copy and replace the video file with your new video file.
12) Open Instagram back up and continue the upload of your video!
Following these steps and adding your video to Instagram might be a bit of hassle at the moment. But the fact that your competitors are not doing this will set your marketing and video efforts ahead of the crowd.
Let me know in the comments below how it worked for you!
by Ryan Lindner
Creative Director You can find him on Google+
If you would like to have an explainer video produced or would like more information, click here to drop us a line and get a FREE CONSULTATION and QUOTE.