Color brand marketing is an important consideration to any explainer video. When a client contacts Explanatory for an explainer video we use careful consideration to their existing brand. For example, does the client already have an existing character or in this case, an existing website? Usually our clients do have an existing website in which case we will refer to it during the creative process. This allows us to determine which colors to use when crafting the explainer video. Why is color brand marketing so important for a video animation production? Keep reading, I will break down the color brand marketing mystery.
It’s true that not every explainer video we produce is animated in select branded colors. That said, if you are thinking of having an explainer video crafted for your product or service you should give careful consideration to your color brand marketing or general use of color. Here’s why…
Have you ever wondered why Facebook is always (yep you guessed it) blue and white? Or why when you think of social media in color — you think of blue and white? It’s because color has meaning or emotion. You didn’t think it was a coincidence — did you? We are meant to connect one side of our brain with the other. Its like our brains are pulled into the social media web without even knowing it. We are meant to visualize and feel and that’s precisely what color helps us to do.
Take your childhood for example. Mickey Mouse – always relatable to black and red, right? You could keep going on this – Tweetie bird , Donald Duck , etc. What’s most interesting is each has a “color combination”. Why? Because color combination + marketing = communication. Color acts as a medium of communication and plays with human feelings. That’s POWER! Color can convert purchase decisions of the customer — which means — color influences ROI. Our minds are simply amazing! Also, color brand marketing represents a brand’s identity and personality.
Every color group represents a human emotion. For example Winshuttle’s use of blue’s can be defined as: creates the sensation of trust and security.
Check out the chart below to see what other colors represent and see if you agree.

Colors let us visualize emotions and help marketers communicate.
Personally…I’m a fan of RED. That usually indicates a good sale! I’d say that’ll get the heart rate up, wouldn’t you?
It also matters when you use colors throughout your animated video production.
Your landing pages should have a virtual attraction so the viewer wants to click to play your video. Keep in mind that half of your marketing role is done by the colors of your animated video.
Target markets. It’s true that women favor some colors over men. For example women dislike colors like orange, brown and gray. I would agree. If you’re looking to target women use variants of blue, purple and green. In the same way…men don’t favor purple or brown. If you’re looking target both markets equally then remain neutral in your color scheme by using variants of blues, whites, blacks, and greens.
Consider how you want your customers to feel. Do you want them to stay calm? Use a mix of warm, calming colors. If you want them hyped up try a mix of vibrant colors. A good example of this is Nike animation advertisements. They’re using reds, blacks and grays to get their customers pumped up! And who can deny white and gray? Not Apple – that’s for sure. Gray or silver is a color of prestige, cold and scientific. What about white? White has a positive connotation and can be used with just about any color. The combination of white with any darker color will attract the eye and stay in the memory bank.
In the end…color improves memory. In the case of color brand marketing…color improves brand recognition by 85%. So its imperative that when creating an explainer video to consider color brand marketing to deliver the appropriate theme to your users.

Sara Narducci
If you would like to have an explainer video produced or would like more information, click here to drop us a line and get a FREE CONSULTATION and QUOTE.Sara Narducci is a Associate Producer at
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