If a picture is worth a thousand words than a 60 second explainer video is worth 60,000. When deciding how to set up your website, video marketing should be the number one item on your list, why? Video can leave a lasting impression on potential customers. Let’s take a look at a couple of reasons why your message comes across better when put into motion.
Better Memory Aid
When our brain sees video, it has to work much harder, leaving more opportunities for us to remember what we saw. Video can evoke different types of emotions and the more parts of your brain that are being used the deeper of an impact your message can have on someone.
Grabs the Viewer’s Attention
When someone sees a static image or website, their eyes are likely to pass over the page without reading all the information presented. Let’s face it, people can be lazy. On the other hand, when someone decides to view a video, they are somewhat locked in. A video feeds the onlooker information and can even entertain them.
When people see something that intrigues them, it is only human to want to share it with someone else. Just look at YouTube, one video can garner millions of views in just days. If someone finds your video useful or interesting, all they have to do is copy the link and they are one step away from advertising for you.
More Informative
For people to understand your message, you need to give them at least a few details, details that can quickly clutter up a webpage. A short explanatory video can convey a decent amount of info in a simple and beautiful way, without overloading the viewer all at once. By the end of the video, your potential client will have a clear idea of what your company is all about. And he may even be moved to use your services.
Video marketing can take the hidden abilities of your business and sky rocket them into the plain sight of viewers. Something that can’t always be said for a single image on your homepage, no matter how beautiful, a clean and simple explainer will always do the trick.
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Marc Lindner
Marc Lindner is a Marketing Consultant here at ExplanatoryVideos.com
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